State of Survival

State of Survival Blog

Chief Gear

Chief gear is another item that isn’t available until mid game but once it becomes available you want to activate it and begin upgrading it. Chief gear is very powerful and comes in a few variations. Rookie, Riot, Blast, Frontline, and Tactical. During this post I will go over the benefits of each set along…


When you start playing there is zero mention of things like medals that come in later in the game. Really the only way you find out is when you hit the right level a little blurp pops up talking about them and you get offered a special pack to purchase to get you started. So…

Trading Post Buttons VIP, Store, Market Stall

This will go over the three area’s of places you can purchase things through the Trading post. Me personally I use the VIP store and the Market Stall but I have never really used the regular store to much. VIP Store: Every time you spend money or log in you get VIP points. The more…

Building Breakdown

This one is mainly for newer players who want some information on each building. I know when I started clicking on some of the buildings and reading their descriptions i was totally confused. So lets try and make it simple. Headquarters: this building decides what level your entire settlement is. The number on this directly…

Healing Wounded in Hospital

Everyone ends up with wounded troops for one reason or another. If you all are like me most of your wounded come from bunker fights and Capital fights where its not a few troops but a hundred thousand or two. This can make it seem like a daunting task to get your troops healed. So…

Account Binding

Binding your account is very important and shouldn’t be ignored.  Some people may not want to provide facebook or email information to the game.  But, think about what happens if your phone, tablet, or other device breaks, gets stolen, or just has to be reset. Especially if you have spent real money on the game…

Credit where credit is due

So apparently I thought everyone would be happy to have this information in one spot. However there are always haters out there. So to address anyone who has an issue with me or this site. I assumed everyone would realize that I am not the end all be all of this game. But, I guess…


As everyone knows this game is free to play or at least that’s how its advertised. In reality you can play free to play and for all those who do don’t feel the need to change. However for those who spend this post will be very helpful to save you hundreds if not thousands of…


Infected Horde is a great resources to earn parts for Chief gear. You want to place as high as possible as a individual and as an alliance to get as much gear parts as possible. In my state I win Horde almost every time (almost because sometimes work means i can’t participate and I have…


TRAP the most common event so common sometimes its hard to be on all the time. So lets try and maximize the effectiveness of anyone that is on. Trap is one of those things that every alliance has an idea about what works and what doesn’t work. What use to work doesn’t work after they…


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